Creative Soul Therapies

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Overcoming Blocks To Creative Self Expression

I've been experiencing a strange form of writer's block recently.

Ideas have floated past me, often so subtle that they pass through my fingers and disappear across the synapses of my mind.

A number of directions, topics and heartfelt convictions wash at my feet like the seas to North, East, South and West. Which wave to follow?

It's as if there has been a veil between myself and my writing. An invisible hand, holding the pen mid-air, on pause.

So I have decided to write about the writer's block itself, before the other thoughts and ideas bubble to the surface and flow out through my fingers once again.

This block is not accompanied by the usual feelings of frustration. Instead, I have a sense of being an observer to this rather odd space and time.

I observe myself, temporarily mute.

I observe my creativity, hushed and in sacred connection.

I observe my offering to the world, momentarily quiet.

And, I observe, I miss my writing.

Even my laptop has been part of this mysterious block - the screen turning black and the system closing. It too knew to rest.

Only now, am I beginning to feel a sense of the veil lifting. My heart is slowly warming with words, which hold promises of what is to come next.

Are you facing your own blocks to creative self expression? To completing your projects or pursuing your passions?

Yours may be practical tasks, artistic endeavours, a dream you envision or a cause you feel passionately for.

My advice first and foremost, is to simply be. Perhaps enjoy the quiet for a moment.

Listen to the subtle tones of your inner voice. Give yourself permission for it not to make sense, at least not yet.

Jot down thoughts, feelings and ideas, without attachment. These may be seeds to your future. Allow yourself to dream.

And continue to trust in the strength of your purpose, while making space to deepen your convictions even further through the process of journeying inward.

Creative self expression emerges only from an inward journey, through internal dialogue. From space and quiet and reflection, connection to your true self. From here arises your creative voice.

Understand the story behind any blocks to your creative self expression with