Creative Soul Therapies

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Love And Awareness for Ourselves Is Love And Awareness For The Planet

As we offer ourselves greater connection, self-care and nourishment, we will naturally come into balance with the Earth. And vice versa.

If you tend to your own needs for rest and relaxation, you will naturally find yourself drawn to quiet time, solitude, perhaps time in nature and to mindful practices.

Spending time outdoors is the quickest and simplest way to plug back into nature and bring your awareness to the current state of the world around you.

If you become aware of your own need for balance, you will slow down from the frenetic pace of modern life. As you slow down, you will notice more of our wonderful planet.

Noticing leads to connection, and a remembering of our deep need for a healthy and vibrant Earth to support life.

This means healthy and vibrant food, healthy and vibrant water, and healthy and vibrant air. Is this not the best kind of love to give ourselves? The love of nourishment, health and wellbeing.

When you bring your awareness to how you are nourishing your body, you can make decisions about what food to give to yourself. One of the simplest ways to offer ourselves love, is through good quality nutritious, local and organic food. Less waste, fewer miles and more goodness.

It is a beautiful relationship that each of us can cultivate with our planet.

Earth by amydykstra

When we are in a state of health and balance, we have more energy to offer to the world around us. We become aware of the suffering that occurs around the world - through poverty, disease and climate change disasters.

Our awareness moves outwards. And so too, naturally, does our love and compassion for all of life.

We become aware of the vital role that we must play - no part is too small. Your part and your choices are absolutely essential to the overall balance of the world.

When we truly nourish ourselves, we realise that we must care for the planet. We are of the Earth, not just on it. All indigenous peoples know this. It is modern human societies who have forgotten - and must remember very soon.

Love yourself through the process, and appreciate each step you take. We have many more to go, but we can do this while maintaining our focus on expanding love and awareness to ourselves, our communities and our planet.

Wishing you love…

If you’re not sure where to start, here are a few ideas to bring a bit more love to yourself and to your planet - your home.

  • Reduce your meat and fish intake; increase your veggies

  • Go organic. Not sure where to start? Begin with organic veggies…. look for local producers, farm shops and cooperatives in your area. For the Buckinghamshire Chiltern area (UK) try ten mile menu

  • Choose a web search engine that plants trees:

  • Switch to renewable electricity and carbon offset gas. All work at Creative Soul Therapies is powered by Pure Planet (UK) - use this link for an extra bonus!

  • Donate your time, money or resources to issues that matter to you. We donate to Greenpeace UK and The Ocean Clean-Up

Got some great ideas to nourish self and take care of the Earth? Add your comments below.

Offer greater love and awareness to yourself with Creative Kinesiology or Energy Therapies. In person or by Skype with