Creative Soul Therapies

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Standing In The Emptiness And Everythingness Of Your Soul

The void of everything, anything and nothing.

Silence, whispers, the roar of the ocean.

Here, where all places meet.

Here, you stand in the emptiness and everythingness of your soul.

It has been excavated with the excitation of a toddler and the exquisite breath of grace.

You have followed the red ribbon of truth back to its beginning.

Your presence, like quicksilver and joyful laughter and a message in a bottle floating across the ocean.

Here: you.

Emptiness/Fullness by Joseph

At the moment before and the moment after, when the only moment is present.

Out of time, and within all time.

Every beat of your heart since it first started beating at 2-3 weeks in the womb.

And every moment before when there was life without a heart beating.

Can you imagine that.

You lived without your heart beating.

And the dream before that.

And the dream to come.

Your soul knows all of those moments, and yet knows only Now.

You are truly blessed to be able to touch your soul in its expansive greatness.

To be able to stand in the emptiness and everythingness of your soul.

Be grateful, dear soul, for such majesty.

It is you.