Creative Soul Therapies

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What if the Opposite of Anxiety is Feeling Wonderful?

This is a blog post written with curiosity, and a topic I invite you to contribute to with your own thoughts...

What is the opposite of anxiety?

What is its silver lining?

That feeling of tension, worry and tightness in your stomach is common to many of us. When you are unable to relax, your thoughts race ahead, and the never-ending question 'what if' circles around in your mind.

The stress and the mind chatter many people wake up to every day.

The loud voice of anxiety drowns out your quiet inner voice, intuition and still centre.

Being anxious keeps us disconnected from ourselves, and unable to trust our path in life.

Often clients come to me feeling anxious in their lives, seeking relief, and hoping for a feeling of calm, peacefulness and relaxation.

All of these qualities are indeed lovely, and aspirational.

But driving home from work, I began to think more deeply about the feeling of anxiety, and what it might be to truly transform these fears into a powerful positive affect.

I think anxiety can be a prompt to awaken to your spiritual self. I believe you can feel wonderful by exploring what the anxiety reveals about your soul path and purpose.

If anxiety is linked to fears about the future, then looking ahead to the future with energy and hopefulness, would surely be more than a state of relaxation?

If you no longer felt anxious (negative state), and had moved through calm (neutral state), what would you feel?

Perhaps, wonderful.

Confident, sparkling, optimistic.

Exhilaratingly, inspiringly alive! Aware of each moment, aware of possibilities, brimming with hope. Able to listen to your inner wisdom clearly.


Excited about your own potential. Thrilled to receive spiritual gifts and blessings. Connected to your spiritual guides and support.


Able to wonder at the world, its miracles and beauty. Aware of your place in the world and step into it filled with joy and harmony.


Dare to dream of a life filled with wonder and beauty by transforming your anxiety. Email