Creative Soul Therapies

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Protecting Your Energy for Highly Sensitive People

The importance of protecting your energy cannot be underestimated if you identify as highly sensitive. 

The term Highly Sensitive People comes from the research by Elaine Aron, and is estimated that 20% of the population, regardless of country or culture, are biologically hard-wired to be more sensitive to their environment.

HSPs will notice things that other people do not, are likely to feel more deeply, and to think and process thoughts and emotions in greater depth. This could be in relation to their environment, the people around them, their workplaces, children, and so on.

And with so much information, always-on technology and busy lives, it is more important than ever that HSPs protect their energy.

by Takashi .M

Here are a few suggestions for protecting your energy on all levels...


Where you live, and the health of your home and neighbourhood, will have a strong effect on your energy. Consider whether you are affected by pollution, noise, traffic, pylons or otherwise. Is it the right place for you, and your energy? Maybe you have links to nature and outdoor spaces near your home. If not, you could bring nature to you, for example by planting flowers to attract bees and other insects.

What do you see every day? Many HSPs are not able to tolerate traditional news reporting or negative media. Choose the information that you feel comfortable with, that is not too harsh or negative. Find sources of positive news and join groups that seek to solve problems in a progressive and peaceful way.

What is your workplace like? Overhead lighting and open offices may be too much stimulation for HSPs. Same goes for too much screen time. Find a balance that works for you, such as flexible or home working and limits for computer work. You may even be able to discuss the trait of High Sensitivity with your boss, and find compromises that suit yourself and your organisation. 


The importance of following healthy living guidelines is paramount for HSPs. This is the first level of protection and service that you can give to your body, and will provide you with a firm foundation for the protection of the different layers of your energy. 

Find a form of exercise that you enjoy and your body responds well to, and schedule it in regularly. Eat a healthy diet with plenty of fresh, colourful foods. Take sufficient rest, and notice if you feel particularly tired or fatigued even after resting - this may be cause to speak to a medical professional. You may find you are more sensitive to certain foods, which you can check out with a Doctor or qualified Nutritionist.

In my experience, Highly Sensitive People are more able to thrive when they do not engage in mind-altering substances, or those which are toxic to the brain and body.


Emotions may be particularly heightened for HSPs and the moods of those around you may have a stronger effect on your own. Learning to differentiate between your feelings and the feelings of others is an important step in understanding yourself as an HSP. Talking to a counsellor or professional who understands High Sensitivity may help you process any unresolved emotional situations.

Be clear about who is good for you in your life - who brings you joy, encouragement, positivity and support? Often HSPs are drawn to helping others, when this should really only be in a professional capacity (if this sounds like you, it might be a clue to your life purpose). Surround yourself with good friends and kind people, who support you as much as you support them.

Many Highly Sensitive People are creative - the mix of deep feeling and processing lends itself to artistic endeavours and imagination. Even if you do not consider yourself 'creative', this is a great way to express yourself and your nature. Make the time for creativity - whether drawing, painting, writing, cooking, gardening...


Being highly sensitive is often a cause for shame in Western society, and cultural messages may have affected the way that you think about yourself. The research shows that HSPs often believe there is 'something wrong with them' - because the trait is not recognised or valued in Western culture. Learning to accept yourself as an HSP and to realise the gifts that you have, can shift your focus from shame or blame to acceptance and affirmation.

Because HSPs tend to think more deeply, the effects of events and situations may have a longer-lasting impact in comparison to the general population. As above, seeking the help of a counsellor or professional who understands High Sensitivity, may be helpful. Mindfulness and meditation can also be useful in gaining perspective, detachment and self-compassion.


According to the research, HSPs often report spiritual or mystical experiences. Being more sensitive in all ways, naturally means that there would be greater sensitivity to that which cannot be seen in the physical world.

Spiritual care may include time alone, solitude, meditation, prayer or time in nature. Spiritual care is a very personal choice, and one that I consider essential for any Highly Sensitive person. So find what works for you, and do at least one act of spiritual care for yourself every day.

Depending on your faith, religious belief, or spirituality, you can call on Spirit for assistance. This may be in the form of prayer to God or Jesus; Mother Earth and nature spirits; goddesses and other deities. What is important, is that your spiritual care aligns with your belief and that you ask for protection daily.


With energetic care we enter a very sensitive and subtle world. One which is also a source of shame in Western culture. However for HSPs it is incredibly important to understand and protect yourself energetically.

This may include learning to understand chakras and auras. You can learn energy healing techniques to clear your energetic body, and you can engage in practices such as yoga, mudra and qi gong which all include movements that clear your energy field.

You can visualise white light filling your body, and surrounding you in a bubble of protection. Archangel Michael is a powerful form of protection and Archangel Metatron can help clear your energy using Metatron's cube. You can simply think or speak their names to invoke their protection. There are various forms of meditations to guide you through this process on the internet.

Energy therapies such as kinesiology, acupuncture, Emotional Freedom Techniques and Reiki can help you on your journey for healthy and balanced energy as an HSP.

Wishing you peace and protection in all ways!

To let go of negative beliefs linked to your self and High Sensitivity, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is an excellent and gentle method.

HSPs are more sensitive to energy healing, and may find Reiki useful as part of their spiritual and energetic care.

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