Creative Soul Therapies

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Living Your Full Potential with Guts and Style

I believe that the greatest challenge each of us face as individuals is living our full potential. 

In astrology, this is often referred to as the North Node and represents places we have never been and things we have never done before. In mythology, it is known as the Hero's Journey and includes elements like refusing the call and encountering obstacles along the way.

Whichever way you look at it, living your life purpose and following your soul's calling presents you with a new and unknown challenge. New and unknown challenges naturally bring up alarm and fear (you are human after all). It can feel easier to stay where you are, and with what you are already familiar.

And yet, you know there is something for you - you can feel it at your core.

It takes strength and guts to walk your path, because you are forging the very path you walk. You are taking steps where no-one has gone before. And it is likely you will be asked to take leaps of faith along the way.

The power of your journey lies in the strength of your conviction and the persistence of your inner voice.

For the journey, you will require courage, strength, patience, determination - and hopefully a little bit of humour to lighten the tasks.

The qualities you select for yourself become your unique style. 

You may choose daring, adventurous and innovative.

You may choose perceptive, alert and mentally agile.

You may choose warmth, lightness and compassion.

What qualities do you choose for yourself? Which qualities are you inspired to develop in this lifetime?

No person's journey is the same, even if there are common features like victories, setbacks and character growth. It is your willingness to take the first step, and the virtues you develop along the way, that truly make you shine.

Listen to your gut, follow your intuition, and do it with your own signature style!

Wishing you blessings on your path.

Talk to Bryony about how energy therapies can assist you on your soul path, by contacting