Creative Soul Therapies

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Changing Culture and Creating An Alternative Sustainable Future

How do you feel about what you see in the world?

We live in extraordinary times - remarkable technology, information at our fingertips, catastrophic effects of climate change, warfare and refugees, extreme poverty and super wealth, and abuses of power.

Many of these humans have faced throughout our history. Now we also have a planet on the brink of environmental collapse and global awareness like never before.

We are all wrestling with despair, fear, anger, hopelessness and everything in between.

All of this progress creates the illusion that you or I are very small. That the individual no longer has any control.

Yet we hold great power.

You have the power to effect great change.

What would you like the future to look like?

Peacefull Generation by Gerry Maden

In many small ways, we can effect a cultural shift. One which is necessary for the health of the planet, for the protection of the earth and animals, and for the safety of humankind.

Are you looking for ways that you can contribute to a sustainable future?


Creative Soul Therapies donates to Greenpeace UK and Pachamama Alliance, for the protection of the earth. You could donate to your chosen charities, or donate your time, ideas or resources to projects you care most about.


It could be something as simple as which search engine you use. Ecosia is a search engine which plants trees as a direct result of your online activity - what a supreme example of how technology can benefit the planet.


There are plenty of petitions that have the power to influence major decisions for good - go to, or to add your voice. Every signature counts, so speak up for what you believe in.


Forget consumerism (do you really need all that stuff?) and shift to "lowsumerism". Feed your spiritual life. When you are connected to your spirit, you are connected to the whole of humanity and the earth that sustains life. There are plenty of places to discover your soul - try


Think about new ways to do business or live your life. Read about the transition to a circular economy at the Ellen Macarthur Foundation. These are the principles of reduce, reuse, recycle and recover - on a big scale.

Or perhaps you have your own revolutionary idea to create meaningful change... go for it! Each one of us has a purpose and a passion, we are all part of the grand plan. And right now it is vital that we each add our piece.

Step by step we can all make positive steps towards a future of health, safety and fairness.

Be part of an alternative, sustainable future. Share your ideas in the comments below...