How Frustration Can Help Us Find Balance

Frustration is...very frustrating.

Life can be frustrating. Sometimes things don't flow, sometimes the path is a bit bumpy.

Decisions may be difficult to make, we are faced with so many choices and the way forward may not be smooth.

When caught up in an overriding sense of frustration we can lose our balance, and our sense of inner peace and calm.

In Chinese Medicine the feeling of frustration is associated with the Wood element, which is connected to the Spring season that is slowly on its way here in the UK.

The feelings of stuck-ness, anger and frustration are commonly connected with the Wood element when it is out of balance. 

But maybe these can show us the way through.

Seedling by Kevin Doncaster

Seedling by Kevin Doncaster

I like to look at issues from different angles, to see if another perspective can help ease the way forward.

What are you feeling frustrated about?

What does that reveal about your goals?

What are you growing towards?

Perhaps you want to feel happy and purposeful, and something is in your way. There might be an obstacle that doesn't seem to shift no matter what you do.

Return to the energy inside of you, rather than expending it on getting frustrated outwardly. Take a moment of quiet to connect with that power. It could be time to change direction, to access a new path.

Refocus on your goal, not on the obstacle.

The persistent nature of frustration can help us to stay on track and move towards our goals. Utilise and harness this energy to break through new ground, and emerge into the Spring.

Here is another step along your path, and one that will feel even more satisfying when you have accomplished it.

Allow frustration to help you grow. Embrace the positive Wood element affects of kindness and patience.

Enjoy the new season.

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