Inner Earth is Calling - Trusting the Fall

It’s been so long since I have written - life has been incredibly busy the past couple of years - and I’m overjoyed to be writing here again! There are many many topics that I wish to share with you, currently on the backburner, that I hope will find ways to re-emerge.

Personally, I feel like I’m in hibernation mode, despite the fact that it’s mid-Summer here in the UK.

Is it the relentless pace of life and change? Are you feeling that too?

Or the deep calling that is becoming ever more insistent from our beloved and beautiful Earth?

This year I have been helping and supporting some special and sensitive souls and messages from nature are coming forward like never before.

Right now I have been shown that there is an incredible window of opportunity, a portal into the future, that we have been preparing for or have created soul contracts before we came into this life.

The old has been getting fully cleared out (anyone else felt like they’ve been in a car wash on the ultra high pressure wash & wax setting?!). Old from past lives, old versions of ourselves, old trauma and old stories.

We are getting an upgrade!

And wow, it’s tough. Tiring. Exhausting. Overwhelming.

Moving into new spaces, new talents, new opportunities for our soul’s highest calling…

If you’re feeling this vibe, then please make sure you getting plenty of rest, water and time in nature.

I woke to a dream a few mornings ago where Inner Earth was communicating with me. And I feel she is calling to all of us. Perhaps those of us who are particularly sensitive can hear her deep call.

She is calling us downwards, inwards. Feeling the weight of gravity pull us closer to her, to her wisdom. It’s tiring to feel the pull into greater density.

We’re getting simultaneous upgrades of light, supporting us as we move into greater harmony with the Earth. Into greater rhythm and harmony with our hearts, which are most closely connected with nature.

You may feel drawn to the land or ocean or bodies of water. Allow yourself to be moved, to follow your instincts, to feel the power of nature support you in your process.

Allow yourself to trust the surrender to the Earth. It might feel really tough and uncompromising - sometimes that’s Mother Nature’s way. Try not to resist it, which will only make it tougher. Surrender more of your ego, trust in the Earth’s calling and honour the feelings and sensations that come up for you.

Love is always present. Nature is always present to support you.

Call in your guides, your spirit support team, any new spiritual support that may be stepping forward to you. Call it all in!

We’ve just been through the 7/7 window, which did feel significant and might have ushered in some of this energy. I wonder if this portal is building up to 8/8 Lion’s Gate, which I always experience as a huge gateway each year (that could be because of my Leo Sun!).

Whatever the time and whatever the energy, remember to give yourself plenty of love.

Open to the portal, welcome change, go deeper in yourself, and trust your Soul to follow the Earth’s call.

Would you like some support for yourself as you move through change? Would you like to hear the messages nature is bringing to you?

Contact to arrange an appointment