Holding Whatever Arises In A Healing Session As OK
The principle of OK-ness is one of the foundations of Transactional Analysis.
You may have heard of or read the book "I'm OK, You're OK" by Thomas A. Harris. In it, Harris outlines four main life positions: 'I'm Not OK, You're OK', I'm Not OK, You're Not OK, 'I'm OK, You're Not OK' and finally ' I'm OK, You're OK'. The latter indicates esteem and respect between both people.
How this translates into kinesiology and energy therapies for me, is to hold whatever arises in each healing session as 'OK'.
You might understand this principle in your own way, such as acceptance, forgiveness, self-compassion, or positive regard.
What does OK mean in the context of a healing session?
OK means to see each client as a person doing the best they can, at any time. This calls for the principle of generous assumption.
OK means offering the emotions, thoughts, sensations and experiences the space and respect to be felt and heard.
Respect Scrabble Tiles by Allen Allen
This can be difficult at times, after all some emotions are uncomfortable, certain thoughts may seem overwhelming, or you may regret past actions.
Hiding, avoiding, suppressing, separating or judging will only cause you suffering.
These have been labelled - in some time or place from the past - as 'Not OK'.
In truth, we have to feel our way through patterns of thought, emotion and behaviour, in order to heal and become whole.
By seeing all parts of you without judgement, therefore as 'OK', those separate parts can be integrated into a complete sense of yourself.
So I hold the space for your experiences to be witnessed with OK-ness, so that you may give yourself permission to be OK.
You're OK, I'm bryony@creativesoultherapies.com