A Letter of Love, Love, Love
“One of the most powerful determinants of human behaviour: the unquenchable, adaptable, and primordial human drive to love”
You might remember that last year I wrote often about ‘Light’ - an influx of light, an energetic stream from the divine, and the potential for enormous soul transformation.
Well, if 2019 was the year of ‘Light’ then 2020 certainly seems to be the year of ‘Love’!
Love in all forms: in the dedication and duty of family life, in the deep commitment and strengthening of personal self-esteem, in the unwavering sense of developing self that is guided by its own inner wisdom, in the beauty we recognise in ourselves and in the world around us.
I enjoy hearing about this topic from many angles. We hear so much about romantic love, the stuff of movies, advertisements and billboards. We hear gossip and we hear stories. But how much do we really hear of intimacy? Of the real meaning of love, in all its expressions?
This is love beyond the movie script…
This is powerful, unashamed, unequivocal, aspirational Love.
This is the opening of our hearts to something deeper, both within and without.
This is the love hard-wired into our brains, that exists at the deepest levels of human motivation (see Dr Helen Fisher on TED for more).
This is love for the self, for others, for the sacredness of life.
This is a love poem we have written to ourselves.
Love poem by Erica Cherup
I suspect that 2020 will focus on self-love and cultivating a deep sense of love and appreciation of ourselves…which ripples out into the world naturally, unforced.
Of love as the fountain of our souls, the deepest source of nourishment that we can access.
Of love that transforms everything it touches into more than it was before.
Of love that sweeps away borders and seeps into all the spaces where wounding occurred.
Of love that sees past the illusion of difference, that looks us directly in the heart… and smiles.
This year we have the opportunity to dive more deeply into love - into the loving embrace of our own soul, an encompassing knowing, acceptance and celebration of our true self.
May you know more love over the coming year; may her sweet words be inscribed in your heart during 2020…