A Glitch in the Matrix - Staying Present
This feels like an extra-ordinary post, interrupting the flow of conversation about neurodivergence, to tune into the collective energy, particularly here in the UK.
There’s a huge amount of psychological unrest as we come towards the removal of restrictions next week and in many ways prepare to exit the extended tunnel of lockdown culture.
And there are many questions: Will it be permanent? What does the ‘new normal’ look like? How does each individual navigate through this? Is there really light at the end of the tunnel?
Some may be moving faster towards it, others fearful or reluctant, and everything in between. The question is, can we stay in the present moment with whatever we are feeling, and whatever those around us are feeling? Can we do this together?
There has been very powerful energy this week, heightened by the football final and millions tuning in across the country. And then the inevitable racism (white people read this new blog - coming soon).
It’s also a time of endings and new beginnings, a time of significant change, which can be challenging to our psyches. During any kind of change - beginnings, endings, transitions, it is easy to become ungrounded. We may even feel fearful or untrusting if this has been our experience in the past.
We have all been changed during the past 18 months and there have been monumental breakthroughs in collective awareness too, so let’s go gently with ourselves in this next step.
The light at the end of the tunnel by Dawn Huczek
It’s been powerful energy, buzzing, electric, potent this week. This energy needs grounding, because this is the best and really the only way we can channel strong energy, is to really be grounded and present.
Collectively we have been processing so much - excitement, anticipation, hatred, shame, racism, trauma, power, wrath, justice, truth, uncertainty. We need to stay grounded and take good care of ourselves, take good care of our own body moving within the collective body.
Take a breath in the present moment.
Let the out breath fall out of your mouth… exhale…
Let the in breath come in naturally through your nose… and exhale again, slowly
As you drop your awareness into your body, what do you notice? Breathe into this
As you sit with the awareness of something new emerging, what do you feel? Breathe into this too, until you are ready to return
We will all be preparing to take our first breath in the ‘new world’, a process which will be a reminder of how we made our own start in the world. How easy was that? Was it calm or chaotic? Was it safe or disconnected? We all have our own stories and we are all being invited to create a story together for how we choose to be in connection and community.
So how do we lean into this transition? Simply staying present.
The glitches I’ve been experiencing today remind me of the glitch in the matrix - exposing something of the unseen world beyond what we normally consider reality. Are we ready to expand our awareness to more of what is possible for ourselves, our cultures, our world?
To do this, we only need bring ourselves to the present moment and align our will with Divine will. Finding ourselves present through our bodies, emotions and breath - allowing whatever is present to be there without judgement.
Being present to what is allows us to travel through transitions with grace and as much ease as is available to us. Use breathing techniques, mindfulness, slowing down, connection with the Earth or staying indoors where needed too.
There is something new waiting to emerge, something new and sacred. Stay present to yourself as you trust the process that is unfolding…
Ready to do your work? Contact bryony@creativesoultherapies.com
If you are struggling with staying here on Earth, please call Samaritans on 116 123