Connecting To A Higher Power For Wholeness
There are a great number of different names for God.
Great Spirit, Source, the Goddess, Mother Earth.
Quantum Physics, Microbiology.
There are a great number of ways to connect to the spark of life: Art, Science, Nature, Prayer.
It does not matter what your word is or how you connect. What is vital for your spirit, your wholeness and the alignment of your being, is to invite this greater power to fill your life.
To recognise the life force from where your soul came, and where your body returns.
To welcome the connection to the root of everything you are.
Blooming fractal by Kerstin
I was raised in a Church of England family, attending a number of community and Methodist churches. Over the years I have attended a wide range of traditional and modern Christian services.
I have also explored other religions and attended temples, sacred sites and holy festivals. I have enjoyed New Age seminars and workshops.
I studied life sciences and am fascinated by biochemistry and social psychology. I engage in practices like chanting, meditation and yoga.
My views have expanded during my spiritual journey, and my understanding of life (and death) has transformed my perspective.
I still resonate with the word God to describe the greater force that governs the universe and creation. And I celebrate other words that might in some (human) way describe God.
The Creative, The Divine, The Inspirer.
Love. Grace.
The All.
It does not matter what you call God, but that you make the call, make the connection. That you open your heart to being at one. Coming back to wholeness and alignment.
There is a Great Mystery to life. A Creative Design whose wisdom infuses everything we experience.
There is so much we do not know - even in this information age! Open your mind and heart to explore what a higher power means to you, and set your intention to connect.
This is the key to healing and returning to wholeness.
Explore your spirit and embrace your wholeness with