Creative Soul Therapies

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Nutrition Zone: Supplementing with The Healthy Juice Company

As many of you know, my undergraduate degree was a BSc Nutrition back in 2004-7.

I have long maintained a strong interest in food and nutrition, although I have taken a more holistic path than many of my fellow students.

I enjoy food, and in particular I love to try new smoothies and juices wherever I go. The greener the better in my book!

Since moving back to Oxfordshire, UK, I have come across a company which currently serves East London, Oxfordshire and all the way in between. I have been lucky enough to receive complimentary juices courtesy of The Healthy Juice Company and have supplemented my diet for 2 days to try them out.

First of all, I have to say that I am blown away by the absolutely fabulous packaging and the eco-thoughtfulness that is clearly squeezed into all aspects of the production. Ingenious solutions that are exactly what our world needs right now. This really puts the cool in Coolbox.

Right, off the soapbox and into the juices...

I started both days with the Cleanse Elixir, a unique formulation that really stimulates the digestion. It is an instant wake-me-up! The addition of black pepper and Himalayan salt packs quite a punch and totally refreshes the palate.

Day one I supplemented breakfast with the Wheatgrass Wakener. If you like green juices this is an absolute delight. Light and refreshing, it is full of plant-rich goodness, and I felt ready for my day.

For lunch I included the Capsicum Cooler. This is a new flavour of juice to me, with its predominance of red peppers. I found it very refreshing, and perfectly light for lunchtime.

In the evening I sampled the Beetroot & Blood Orange juice. This is sanguine in a bottle! It carries passion, life and love, all through the power of fruits and vegetables. A great nutritional booster.

On day two I couldn't wait to start again with the Cleanse Elixir for a powerful kick-start to the morning. Followed by Pineapple, Cucumber & Mint. This has lovely hints of green juices with a fruity twist. I think this would be the perfect drink for a summer's afternoon.

At lunchtime the Carrotene juice filled me with extra vitamins, all the better for their organic source. And later in the evening, the Hazelnut & Almond Milk topped me up with essential minerals and was a comforting way to end the 2 days' supplementation.

I feel really healthy and notice that my skin and eyes are glowing today, despite the wintry weather returning once again.

I am now inspired to try a one day cleanse (The Cleanses) which I intend to do to welcome in Spring in March.

Interested in a cleanse or supplementing your diet? See