Posts tagged healthy eating
The 2020 Global Portal of Awakening

March 2020 is proving to be a challenging month for many people, businesses and communities, as we navigate our personal and collective responses to the coronavirus.

And yet, if we look deeper, this time foretells a potential global shift in consciousness through the confrontation of enormous and urgent issues. These may not be the ones that seem most obvious, but rather those which are hidden beneath the headlines.

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September: Mother Earth Is Calling You

I feel a rising in the feminine energies in the world, within each person and in the consciousness of humanity as a collective. 

This is also a potent time of year (in the Northern hemisphere) for the Earth element in Chinese Medicine -  a time to connect to our roots, come into harmony with nature, and honour the rich food sources available to us when we look after the environment.

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Remembering The Basics That Support The Healing Process

Engaging in personal development and exploring new parts of yourself, can introduce you to wondrous opportunities and techniques for healing. This is one of the most creative and exciting aspects of the healing process - discovering what works for your body, system and spirit.

However, I am writing today to remember - and champion - some of the essential aspects of healing. 

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My Obsession with Pumpkin Seeds and A Healthy Eating Challenge

Warning: Contains nutritional content!

I go through phases with food. Do you?

Last week, tucked away at the back of the cupboard, with some dates and lentils (long past their best before date) I found some pumpkin seeds. Actually two bags. Yum...?

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