Posts tagged emotional freedom techniques
Working With The Process: A Guide to How I Practise

In the field of energy therapies, clients often carry an expectation that the treatment will magically solve all difficulties overnight.

I think it is important to highlight how I work, and dispel some of the myths surrounding energy therapies and holistic treatments.

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Living Your Full Potential with Guts and Style

I believe that the greatest challenge each of us face as individuals is living our full potential. 

In astrology, this is often referred to as the North Node and represents places we have never been and things we have never done before. In mythology, it is known as the Hero's Journey and includes elements like refusing the call and encountering obstacles along the way.

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EFT & Transactional Analysis: Rewriting Script for Health

What we have learned does not disappear, but through awareness we can integrate all of our experiences and ego states. When we discover the messages of our script that have been driving our behaviour and relationships, we can choose from the Adult Ego State which thoughts and behaviours we engage in, and which we decide to change.

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Excited and Energised in Work: Your Passion & Purpose

Does that seem unattainable? Have you been searching for fulfilling work, or hoping for it to happen? Or perhaps you have found your passion and are making it a reality?

I think that the true definition of success is creating work that is meaningful to you, that energises you, and aligns with your values. 

Many people are in jobs that do not fill them with inspiration or energy, and in fact may be demotivating, draining and even demoralising.

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Rebirth & Re-emerging: The Myth of the Snake

The process of self-discovery involves many rebirths - emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

A life dedicated to living authentically and wholeheartedly, will always ask us to remove the layers that hold us back from experiencing more love, joy and connection.

Removing past beliefs requires us to metaphorically shed our skins. Shifting into new phases of our lives, we leave behind outer shells that have served their purpose.

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Dear Sleep, Where Are You? I Miss You Desperately

This week (6th March) is Sleep Awareness Week. And this post is dedicated to you, and your sleep.

On average as a nation, the UK is chronically sleep-deprived. 

The likelihood is you know what that feels like. Whether it is due to health issues, children, stress, or otherwise, it can be difficult to feel motivated, energetic and purposeful in our lives without those all-important Zzz's.

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My Obsession with Pumpkin Seeds and A Healthy Eating Challenge

Warning: Contains nutritional content!

I go through phases with food. Do you?

Last week, tucked away at the back of the cupboard, with some dates and lentils (long past their best before date) I found some pumpkin seeds. Actually two bags. Yum...?

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Protecting Your Energy for Highly Sensitive People

The importance of protecting your energy cannot be underestimated if you identify as highly sensitive. 

The term Highly Sensitive People comes from the research by Elaine Aron, and is estimated that 20% of the population, regardless of country or culture, are biologically hard-wired to be more sensitive to their environment.

HSPs will notice things that other people do not, are likely to feel more deeply, and to think and process thoughts and emotions in greater depth. This could be in relation to their environment, the people around them, their workplaces, children, and so on.

And with so much information, always-on technology and busy lives, it is more important than ever that HSPs protect their energy.

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