Dear Sleep, Where Are You? I Miss You Desperately
“Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.”
This month - March 2016 - is Sleep Awareness Month in the UK. And this post is dedicated to you, and your sleep.
On average as a nation, the UK is chronically sleep-deprived.
The likelihood is you know what that feels like. Whether it is due to health issues, children, stress, or otherwise, it can be difficult to feel motivated, energetic and purposeful in our lives without those all-important Zzz's.
Sleep is so essential to our well-being, and I am myself a big lover of sleep! The deep, restorative type, where you barely move all night and feel like decades could have passed; the refreshing, energy-boosting sleep that has you jumping out of bed in the morning filled with new ideas; the active sleep filled with insightful and powerful dreams. I am fascinated by the world of sleep and how little we really know about it - sleep is still such a mystery to humans even though we spend (or want to spend) so much time doing it!
I love working with clients to help improve sleep quality, either as a specific request for seeking my services or as a side benefit to a different goal, such as relaxation. Gentle and alternative therapies like Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Reiki can bring the mind and body into a more relaxed state and calm worrying thoughts.
by Kenneth Lu
Through EFT you can explore your mind and beliefs, and free yourself from worries and thoughts that plague you as you go to bed at night. It can assist you in learning new ways of thinking, shifting from a mindset of "I never get enough sleep" to "I am deeply rested and refreshed".
Reiki is an opportunity to experience 30 or 45 minutes of calm for yourself, allowing your body to rest and your breathing to slow down and become deeper. Setting an intention (or desired positive outcome) can direct the healing spiritual energy to the specific issue you wish to focus upon.
Wishing you restful and peaceful sleep!
You should always consult your doctor if you have any health concerns, including insomnia, sleeplessness or sleeping difficulties.
Wind down your mind, ease worrying thoughts and stress with Emotional Freedom Techniques
Remind your body what it means to rest and relax with deeply restorative Reiki Healing - email