Posts tagged reiki
Exploring Chinese Medicine: Support For Your Governing Meridian

As we in the Northern Hemisphere are beginning a new cycle in the element of Wood, with the associated season Spring, the Central and Governing meridians are also working behind the scenes to support your overall energy balance - what is needed, what is stored and what is being released.

In Chinese Medicine, the main energy channel at the back of your body is known as the Governing Vessel or 'Sea of Yang' and is a Major Extraordinary Vessel (another is the Conception Vessel).

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Making Connections With Reiki Distance Symbol

One of my favourite parts when learning Reiki, and now when channelling Reiki energy, is the distance symbol, known as Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen (HSZSN).

HSZSN enables Reiki practitioners to connect with a person, place or object at any time - past, present or future - in any world, galaxy or dimension, with the intention of sending universal life force energy.

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So Who - And What - Do I Work With?

Are you curious about what sort of issues I work with? Which therapies and tools might be of benefit?

I have a varied background with studies in nutrition, coaching, counselling, energy therapies and creative kinesiology.

I am open to working with most issues from Anxiety to Zoophobia. My passion is working with people who want to transform their lives, align themselves with their spiritual purpose and make a positive impact in the world.

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Working With The Process: A Guide to How I Practise

In the field of energy therapies, clients often carry an expectation that the treatment will magically solve all difficulties overnight.

I think it is important to highlight how I work, and dispel some of the myths surrounding energy therapies and holistic treatments.

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Living Your Full Potential with Guts and Style

I believe that the greatest challenge each of us face as individuals is living our full potential. 

In astrology, this is often referred to as the North Node and represents places we have never been and things we have never done before. In mythology, it is known as the Hero's Journey and includes elements like refusing the call and encountering obstacles along the way.

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What Does 'Light Touch' Mean in Reiki Healing?

The gentle nature of energy healing is often a contrast to daily life, and may therefore be misunderstood.

In Western culture we have been taught to believe that "bigger is better" and "no pain, no gain". Plus, many of our workplace cultures suffer from a dog-eat-dog corporate structure.

The need for light touch, kindness and compassion, may be passed by or overlooked.

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