Posts tagged energy
The Chakras And The Nervous System

You may have come across the chakra system, which describes the subtle energy fields present in our bodies.

The seven main chakras on the body are usually located from the base of your pelvis to the top of your head. Other smaller chakras are also thought to be present. While still others are thought to continue beneath you as your energetic connection to the Earth and above you as your energetic connection to Source.

Let’s focus on those located on/within the physical body, and in particular those located within the main torso of the body: root, sacral, solar plexus and heart.

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Exploring Chinese Medicine: Chinese Medicine and Highly Sensitive People

High sensitivity is known in the scientific community by the biological name of Sensory-Processing Sensitivity. This biological difference exists in hundreds of species, including humans, at around 15-20% of the population.

Yes, that's approximately 1 in 5 people who are Highly Sensitive.

How might Chinese Medicine offer insight, understanding and benefit to Highly Sensitive People (HSPs)?

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New Moon & Eclipse Energy for August 21st 2017

There's a lot of buzz about this new moon and solar eclipse (latter in the US) on August 21st. Can you feel it?

There is a strong energetic intensity which has been building in the last few weeks. And in the world there is a rising sense of fear, despair and chaos, which all add to the rather strange vibe around.

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The Gifts We Receive Through Self-Healing

To be truly happy, we each must do our own self healing.

We will need assistance, and sometimes guidance, along the way. Ultimately though, only you can do the work to heal and transform yourself.

This takes hard work, plenty of energy, dedication to yourself and time to rest. It might even mean taking time out of your day to day life and normal routine.

The process of self-examination is not easy, but there is a silver lining.

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