Posts tagged beauty
Under The Shadow Of The Full Moon & Eclipse

It was only a matter of weeks ago that I was in a group discussing the Kintsugi pottery of Japan - the beauty of cracked and broken pots and crockery lovingly restored to something more beautiful than they were before.

This full moon is both the illumination of our broken or vulnerable places, and the opportunity to shine a light between the cracks. What we have thought of in the past as our shadow, becomes our greatest asset and unique offering to the world.

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A Letter From The Great Mother, Earth, To Her Children

This week a beautiful friend gifted me with Rise Sister Rise by Rebecca Campbell. I highly recommend it.

Rebecca's writings really connect with the energy I am sensing at the moment, in the midst of eclipse season, the recent blood moon and the gorgeous Summer we are having here in the UK. This energy is all about the rising feminine, the sacred feminine of the Earth.

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Welcoming in the Spring with a 1 Day Juice Cleanse

I have taken a courageous step - for me! - and signed up to receive a 1 day juice cleanse from The Healthy Juice Company

The day has arrived. Both an exciting and daunting prospect.

This follows the completion of the taught modules for Creative Kinesiology over the weekend (assessment remaining!) and the Spring Equinox. A closing of one chapter and the next door swinging open into fresh, new life.

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The Gifts We Receive Through Self-Healing

To be truly happy, we each must do our own self healing.

We will need assistance, and sometimes guidance, along the way. Ultimately though, only you can do the work to heal and transform yourself.

This takes hard work, plenty of energy, dedication to yourself and time to rest. It might even mean taking time out of your day to day life and normal routine.

The process of self-examination is not easy, but there is a silver lining.

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Blending EFT with Powerful Forgiveness Practice Ho'oponopono

Ho'opono'pono is a sacred practice originating from Hawaii and its indigenous peoples. In its beauty is simplicity and depth. The words:

I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.

This is an incredibly useful tool when working with forgiveness - a part of all healing work in my opinion, no matter the scale of the difficulty you are facing.

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