Posts tagged consciousness
The 2020 Global Portal of Awakening

March 2020 is proving to be a challenging month for many people, businesses and communities, as we navigate our personal and collective responses to the coronavirus.

And yet, if we look deeper, this time foretells a potential global shift in consciousness through the confrontation of enormous and urgent issues. These may not be the ones that seem most obvious, but rather those which are hidden beneath the headlines.

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The Gifts We Receive Through Self-Healing

To be truly happy, we each must do our own self healing.

We will need assistance, and sometimes guidance, along the way. Ultimately though, only you can do the work to heal and transform yourself.

This takes hard work, plenty of energy, dedication to yourself and time to rest. It might even mean taking time out of your day to day life and normal routine.

The process of self-examination is not easy, but there is a silver lining.

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Your Design is Essential, Intentional and Consciously Created

You are not here by accident. Your design is not unplanned.

You have been consciously created.

You are designed for expansion, connection and development. Whether you believe this is due to evolution or to a higher power, you will always move in the direction of growth. It is both biology and a spiritual yearning.

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