Posts tagged intuition
Tuning Into Your Instincts, Your Gut and Your Heart

Trusting your instincts is something that comes naturally in the animal kingdom, and yet human beings in our current society tend to ignore the quiet voice inside, the sensations of our bodies and the wisdom of our hearts.

Your instincts are an innate trait, inborn. Part of our complex understanding of ourselves, life and the environment around us. There are instincts for survival, and there are also higher level instincts guiding us on our soul's path and purpose.

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The Gifts We Receive Through Self-Healing

To be truly happy, we each must do our own self healing.

We will need assistance, and sometimes guidance, along the way. Ultimately though, only you can do the work to heal and transform yourself.

This takes hard work, plenty of energy, dedication to yourself and time to rest. It might even mean taking time out of your day to day life and normal routine.

The process of self-examination is not easy, but there is a silver lining.

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Strengthening Yourself From the Inside Out

Inner strength. What is it? Where do I find it?

Cultivating inner strength is a process, and quite often a lifetime's work (or many lifetimes' work for those who reincarnate).

On my personal journey through bodywork, talking therapies, energy therapies, and more, I have found a number of truths for myself. These may resonate with you...

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