Learning to Tune Into Your Intuition

The only real valuable thing is intuition.
— Albert Einstein

Your intuition is always communicating with you, whether you hear it or not.

Your nervous system connects to your organs, especially hollow organs such as your heart and intestines. The physical sensations in your body send messages to your brain, and can reveal extraordinary perceptions if you tune into them.

Your intuition connects your heart and soul with where you are right now.

Your intuition is the key to living your best possible life, because quietly and gently it is always guiding you.

So how do you begin to tune into your intuition?

While your instinct may often be loud - the primal instinct to keep us safe from danger - the intuition is subtle and soft. Luckily in this busy world, it is also persistent!

Intuition requires stillness, silence and space for you to begin to listen. This often means slowing down for the average person too.

Stillness, silence and space are required on a regular basis, even if this is only 5 minutes per day. 

Turn off distractions including TV and social media. You could go out in nature - the slow pace of nature is the same as your intuition and will help you connect more easily. Slow down your thinking and your breathing by focusing on taking long, deep breaths. Write anything down that is bothering you and then return to your breath.

Create a space for this time - it might be a special chair or place in your home or garden, or you might light a candle.

Set your intention to tune into your intuition. Sit with your legs uncrossed, palms open and facing upwards on your lap. Close your eyes and continue to breathe slowly.

Notice your dreams and any thoughts that come to you after a regular practice.

This is the start of tuning in to your intuition.

Experience a place of stillness and reconnect to your body and soul with Reiki Healing

To make an appointment contact Bryony on bryony@creativesoultherapies.com