Posts tagged masculine
Unifying The Feminine And The Masculine

We have been working through individual and collective themes of masculine and feminine qualities for some time now. (See my previous blogs here, here, here, here and here)

This has included both the inner experience of these aspects of our psyche and the outer expression of them in the world, as well as seen on a greater scale in global society.

As we reach the tipping point between dark/light of the longest night and shortest day in the Northern hemisphere, we are able to access a new place of balance with our own sense of feminine/masculine.

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Healing Aggression by Strengthening Your True Self

I have written recently about the Drama Triangle and the positions of Persecutor, Victim and Rescuer, as well as the astrological move of Chiron into Aries initiating a 9 year period of healing the wounded masculine.

These themes are very present and potent for us collectively, and serve as a reminder that this work is of fundamental importance in healing ourselves, our relationships and the entire Earth. 

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Further Thoughts on Healing the Wounded Masculine

We come back to the theme of healing the wounded masculine again, which I have written previously about here. Reading an astrology blog by Katie Sweetman, we see that with Chiron moving into Aries this month the theme of healing the masculine archetype will continue to 2026-2027.

This will be a period where we heal imbalanced masculine expressions - within and without. Imbalances such as aggression, domination, violence and oppression.

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