Healing Aggression by Strengthening Your True Self
I have written recently about the Drama Triangle and the positions of Persecutor, Victim and Rescuer, as well as the astrological move of Chiron into Aries initiating a 9 year period of healing the wounded masculine.
These themes are very present and potent for us collectively, and serve as a reminder that this work is of fundamental importance in healing ourselves, our relationships and the entire Earth.
This work starts with yourself.
Eric Berne (founder of Transactional Analysis) wanted to call the Persecutor role on the Drama Triangle, the "Aggressor". We can use this here to see the wounded masculine through its imbalanced expression of aggression and unhealthy expression of anger.
This can be seen outwardly in acts of aggression, and it also takes place internally. Away from the eyes of others, this internal aggression can manifest as damaging self-talk, a loss of the self and self-sabotaging your goals or potential. It can manifest as exaggerated fear.
Suppressed emotions can be damaging to your physical health, as well as harmful to your psyche and self-esteem.
At some point, this anger arose but was unable to be channelled appropriately to create clear boundaries or to move forward on a course of action that was true to you. Understanding the causes behind the disrupted expression or suppression of true emotion is the first step in healing the aggression.
Victory by Quinn Dombrowski
To heal aggression we need to reconnect with our true self and rebuild our inner strength.
This is the core of the balanced masculine - a natural inner strength which honours the self and others, and acts with integrity.
For a mini power boost and to begin healing aggression (when you are in a calm or neutral state):
You may like to use the Mushti Mudra as a source of strengthening your mind, body and spirit. In Yoga in your Hands, Gertrud Hirshi says that the way to heal unwanted character traits is to understand them, appreciate the benefits they may have brought you and visualise the character trait you would like to have instead.
Bring your fingers together in a fist, and cover your thumb over your ring finger. Hold the mudra softly, do not grip. Sit quietly with the mudra, allowing natural strength to flow into your body. You can imagine a time in your life when you have been too aggressive or fearful. Then picture the scenes as you would like them to be, with anger channelled positively - perhaps there is someone to say "No" to, a conversation you need to express yourself in, a decision to make that aligns with your inner intuition, or a direction you need to take for yourself.
Do this once a day, and witness the transformation in yourself over time.
In healing aggression, it will likely be important to work alongside a practitioner, who can hold the space for you to explore challenging emotions, thoughts and memories, and also witness your capacity to make positive changes.
With Creative Kinesiology you can explore the intelligence of your energy system and guidance of your higher self, discover the root causes of difficult emotions and choose to channel anger as demonstrations of true strength by taking action in your life and walking forward on your soul's true path.
With healing of aggression and knowledge of the true self comes authentic power - and serenity.
Heal your aggression and strengthen your true self with bryony@creativesoultherapies.com