EFT & Transactional Analysis: Rewriting Script for Health

The destiny of every human being is decided by what goes on inside his skull when confronted by what goes on outside his skull.
— Eric Berne


Emotional Freedom Techniques is one of a number of energy therapies under the bracket of Energy Psychology.

EFT is based upon the premise of meridian energy systems in the body from Chinese Traditional Medicine.  In EFT a series of 'tapping' points are stimulated that correspond to the end points of each meridian. This is theorised to balance the energy in the body, and facilitate the release of blockages, which may be energetic, emotional, mental or physical. 


Transactional Analysis (TA) is a psychology of relationships and personality, using the analysis of transactions between people to describe their interactions. (For further background information, search for Eric Berne or Transactional Analysis online.)

The structural Ego State Model in TA includes the Parent, Adult and Child, known as P2, A2 and C2 respectively. This is a framework for a person's inner world and their personality structure.

P2 contains all of the messages you received from your parents, carers, teachers, community and culture. Within P2 exist many Ego State Models from these people, that have been absorbed in their entirety.

C2 is like a recording tape of all of your experiences to this point, including those from childhood. This is where the script is recorded.

Within C2 exist the P1, A1 and C1. The C1 is known as the somatic child and relates to the feelings and sensations in your physical body. The A1 is known as the little professor and is the seat of your intuition. The P1 contains the fantasy and stories that relate to the sensations in C1.

A2 operates in the here-and-now, and from this state a person is able to operate in healthy ways.


EFT often focuses on the physical sensations in the body - C1. The desired aim is to understand the inner mechanisms where these somatic sensations have emotional or mental connections. Using tapping, the pain in the body is explored, and may result in release (through yawning, sighing, coughing etc.).

Usually thoughts or memories will come to mind - C2. These old programmes perpetuate discomfort in the body, and by bringing these thoughts and memories into awareness we activate A2. 

As adults, we are able to decide (A2) which messages we would like to keep, and which we would prefer to let go. These may include negative messages from parents or teachers, or those which inhibit growth, success or intimacy (P2)

We can choose to dial down the noise of the messages we do not want to hear using EFT. We acknowledge the fears within us (C2) and provide a safe space for integration (A2). We can also use affirmations and alter our positive thoughts to drown out the noise of the messages we do not want (P2).

What we have learned does not disappear, but through awareness we can integrate all of our experiences and ego states. When we discover the messages of our script that have been driving our behaviour and relationships, we can choose from the Adult Ego State which thoughts and behaviours we engage in, and which we decide to change.

Experience the transformative power of EFT in rewriting your script and changing old behaviour patterns to become healthy and happy.

Contact Bryony for more information on bryony@creativesoultherapies.com