Posts tagged energetic protection
Spiritual Support During Your Life Changes

Life changes can be big or small, expected or unexpected, internal or external.

Sometimes we actively choose to make changes, such as moving home or job or changing career or relationships. 

At other times, change may suddenly appear as if from nowhere, and we do the best we can to manage the new situation.

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Protecting Your Energy for Highly Sensitive People

The importance of protecting your energy cannot be underestimated if you identify as highly sensitive. 

The term Highly Sensitive People comes from the research by Elaine Aron, and is estimated that 20% of the population, regardless of country or culture, are biologically hard-wired to be more sensitive to their environment.

HSPs will notice things that other people do not, are likely to feel more deeply, and to think and process thoughts and emotions in greater depth. This could be in relation to their environment, the people around them, their workplaces, children, and so on.

And with so much information, always-on technology and busy lives, it is more important than ever that HSPs protect their energy.

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