Stepping Into - And Out Of - The Drama Triangle With Creative Kinesiology
The richness of Transactional Analysis (TA) comes alive through the interaction with Creative Kinesiology.
TA is a psychology of personality and relationships developed by Eric Berne in the 1950s - literally the analysis of the transactions within the self and between people, and their meanings. Through the framework of TA you can discover who you are and understand the behaviours of others.
For me, TA is a living entity. The frameworks are not meant to be theoretical and limited to books, or the mind. TA is designed to be an exploration of the self and others, through experience, relationships and co-creativity.
Adding TA concepts to the practice of Creative Kinesiology is therefore a natural, and logical, next step.
For example, the Drama Triangle is a TA concept developed by Stephen Karpman. It is a simple diagram, yet it speaks directly to the heart of difficulties in human relationships and to the conflicts within the self.
At the base of the triangle is the position of the Victim. Above to each side of the triangle are the Persecutor and Rescuer, respectively. Whenever we engage in old, dysfunctional patterns we will be stepping in to these roles in the Drama Triangle.
by Duncan Hall
How powerful then to step into the triangle and discover what each position means for you right now. Are they strong and balanced or causing stress and imbalance in your system? With muscle testing you can see clearly for yourself.
What is your story of the Victim, the Rescuer or the Persecutor? How do they play out in your life? What does each have to say about your present situation or relationship? What beliefs are they clinging to or emotions are they not expressing directly?
Here you can hear the stories you have carried with you about who you are, how others are and how to be in the world. You can find out what needs to be said, released, witnessed and transformed to step out of the drama.
Through Creative Kinesiology, discover the clues and keys that will unlock these positions, enabling you to step into empowerment in a new way. Understand how and why you got into these positions - from conscious, subconscious and unconscious awareness, information and knowledge.
Stephen Karpman has written many versions of the Triangle, including positions that correlate with OKness - the place of authenticity and personal integrity. Karpman uses the words Reaching-out, Power and Vulnerable as new roles to replace the Rescuer, Persecutor and Victim. I like to use the following: Responsible (for self), Power (authentic) and Vulnerable/Voice.
Are you ready to step out of drama and into the Empowerment Triangle? To transform your relationship with yourself and with others?
Step by step to empowerment and authenticity with