Creative Soul Therapies

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Radical New Year Resolutions For 2019

Ready to make some meaningful, purposeful and wild-hearted resolutions?

2019 is a year with an entirely new energy, an opportunity to be a version of ourselves we have previously only dreamed of…

So imagine big, seed wild and wholehearted intentions, and expand this year.

Let’s think differently…


Be your one weird, true self. No more hiding. Make friends with your weird, awkward, socially-frowned-upon self. Welcome all of yourself, even the usually unwelcomed parts, and notice how radically your life is transformed.

Resolution #1: Who are you and how are you going to express this in the world in 2019?

P.S. Your weirdness is probably the coolest thing about you.


Do something you wouldn’t normally do. Get active, participate & protest. Stand up for climate change, for human rights abuses, for vulnerable people, for a local community group… whatever is in your heart is one reason why you are here - to add your voice to the changing landscape of human society.

Make your voice count - and do it through your actions.

Resolution #2: What is one bold action you will take this year?


This could be connected to #2. Make your resolutions about a cause or another person. Yes, inevitably it will benefit you through the joy of generosity and altruism, and there may be other serendipitous effects too… but at its heart this about becoming aware of the suffering in the world, and doing your part to alleviate that suffering.

For example, you might choose to donate to charitable causes, give of your time or skills, or for those in and around Oxfordshire you could offer a room to an asylum seeker through Sanctuary Hosting.

Resolution #3: Who or what will you give your time, money, skills or resources to?

2019 - twenty nineteen by Marco Verch


Race. Gender. Sexuality. Disability. Neurodiversity. [Add your own here].

If you don’t know much about one or any of these topics, set yourself a goal to educate yourself. Follow people different to you on social media or a blog, take part in a befriending scheme, read some books, join a support or campaign group.

Changing your mindset and expanding your frame of reference is really good for the soul.

Resolution #4: What will you do to become more mindful of other people’s experiences of the world?


Probably the most important resolution of all (if I had to choose).

Earth is our home, we have to protect it. It’s as simple as that. The trees, the rainforests, the animals, the oceans, the Arctic.

Support a charity, sign petitions, reduce air miles, eat organic, switch to green energy, plant trees… take your pick or do a combination of some or all of these.

If you like, choose one aspect of the world or sustainability, and support that. Every single thing we do matters.

Resolution #5: What will you do to save and protect the environment in 2019?

Flourish into your full and wild heart in 2019, in person or by Skype, with

Want to know which themes will be part of your journey in 2019? Find out with an Angel Reading