Creative Soul Therapies

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Thriving In These Strangest Of Times

We are here to live.

Really live. Emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, physically.

To live with energy, authenticity, joy, courage and creativity. This is thriving.

To express ourselves, to dance with the magic of the universe. To embody our passion and purpose. To give, and create, and contribute.

The blueprint has been placed inside you, always. How much has it been permitted to unfold?

Now is the time to transform, peel back a layer and thrive.

Yes, we are living through the strangest of times indeed, one that demands us to become emboldened. Emboldened in ourselves, in who we think we are, in our capacities.

To thrive is to live unafraid of death and unafraid of life. To travel on our path unafraid of fear, unafraid of joy. And if we do feel afraid of any or all of these things (which is naturally, and understandably, human), to thrive means to persevere and find the inner courage to continue.

These strangest of times affords us an opportunity to go within, do some serious/fun introspection and reemerge strengthened and renewed.

All this time, humanity has mostly been sleepwalking, on autopilot. Now is the chance to wake up, wake up out of our slumber and stupor. Have we really been thriving in those hurried, harried, stressed-out lives? Were we really present?

We have been gifted with s p a c e right now…

What will you do with yours?

Choose your narrative.

…and thrive.

light up my day by dirk.werdelmann

Light up someone’s day.

Allow your own true nature to venture back into the concreted-over places of mind, body and spirit.

Dance. Create. Inspire.

Be inspired.

Vision the greatest dream for humanity, and your role within it.

Listen to your deepest wisdom.

Receive. Perceive. Observe.

Remember what’s important.

Share love.

Give love.

Give some more love.

Own your story down to your bones.

Write. Connect. Reflect.

Be grounded.

Recruit your body & mind for the purposes of your soul’s journey.


Spread joy.

Seek your inner flame.

Sing. Cycle.

Encircle the silent mystery of your soul.

Close your eyes in gratitude.

Breathe. Inhale; exhale; pause.

Make s p a c e for what you don’t know and for what you could be to emerge.


Hop. Skip. Jump.

Laugh. Cry.

Attune to your heart.

Share your gifts.

Make something beautiful. See something beautiful. Know yourself to be beautiful.

Gaze at the moon.

Find something remarkable.

Stand under a meteor shower.

Warm yourself in the sunshine.

Nourish your empowering concept of who you are.

Most all, to thrive in these strangest of times: be firmly, unwaveringly, present and love yourself through it all.

Work with me