The Importance of Being Gentle

I’m writing this for everybody who is feeling the ongoing knock-on effects of coronavirus, whether through health, mental wellbeing, local restrictions or who, like us here in the UK, are facing another long period of national lockdown.

Right now it is more important than ever that we be gentle with ourselves and kind to our own hearts, minds and bodies.

After a challenging year in 2020 I know I and many others were hopeful for a fresh start in 2021. Sadly, the high numbers of cases in our hospitals means that we have to adapt yet again and face separation from friends, family and communities.

Social connection is the essence of what makes us human, and a considerable extent of what drives us and shapes our lives. So to be without it, without some of our vital connections, is a deep and primal loss.

It is more important than ever to be gentle.

With ourselves, our feelings, the mental and emotional rollercoaster that may make up our day, week or even hour.

gently by Min Jung Lee

gently by Min Jung Lee

We are all having a collective vulnerable experience, whether we feel it personally or not. We are perceiving the vulnerability of our health systems, mental wellbeing, family structures, work, perhaps even our own health or the health of family members and loved ones.

Simultaneously we are experiencing the resilience - but even the resilient need to rest.

Minds are worried, hearts are troubled.

Even if you are not feeling any negative effects yourself, we are all part of the collective who can contribute greater kindness, generate greater compassion and offer more gentleness into the world. Soothing hearts, calming minds.

Here are some suggestions for gentleness:

  • Play (or sing) gentle, relaxing music - I love piano music

  • Make space for quiet - reading, mindfulness, yoga, or simply being

  • Spend time in or near water / take a relaxing bath

  • Acknowledge your feelings and embrace them

  • Slow down, take a simple task or a few minutes and consciously slow it down

  • Put your goals aside, especially if you feel overwhelmed

  • Seek professional support if you need someone to talk to

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