Commitment To The Therapy Is Commitment To Your Self

Engaging in the process of healing is a deep, and often long, journey.

The psychological resources you put into your own journey, will reap plenty throughout your therapeutic process.

Your commitment is like making a pact with yourself - to see this through, to go through the difficulties to come out into the light, to uncover your inner wisdom.

The commitment you make to your process: how often we meet, for how long, and what actions (including non-doing) you take outside of the treatment space, are all commitments you make to yourself.

If you have already begun the healing process then bravo! It takes guts to journey inwards to yourself. If you are just wondering about whether to begin, then allow yourself some time to answer these questions.

What would you like to change? What are you willing to do to make this happen?

How important is this to you? How important are YOU to you?

How much are you willing to commit to yourself?

Wisdom by Andy Rennie

Wisdom by Andy Rennie

This journey takes courage. This commitment takes courage - the courage to be all of who you are.

Walking alongside someone else, who will hold the space for you to explore, facilitate your change and witness you transform yourself, is a key part of healing. 

Actually being in the presence of another attuned and caring person calms your amygdala down - the part of your brain that is alert to danger and reads the emotional signals around you. Isn't that amazing? That to work alongside someone can help your brain shift from fear to a state of calm, safety and curiosity?

I am committed to walking alongside my clients on their healing journey with love, respect and a calm presence. To maintain a safe, peaceful environment in which you can unravel yourself. To keep a mindful eye on how the process is benefiting your wellbeing and personal empowerment.

Most people like to begin by dipping their toes in the water, and gradually easing in to the deeper waters of their soul. This is a sensible, sane and practical approach, which is reflected in the contractual way I will now be working with clients...

  • Begin with a series of 3 sessions (weekly or fortnightly) as an introduction to the work. This allows us to get to know each other, to understand the energy of your system and to begin to notice the key themes and messages your soul has for you.

  • From this point, decide whether you would like to continue with another series of 3 sessions (for acute or short term work), engage in a series of 6 sessions to work at a deeper level, or identify a timescale (months/years) for longer-term work or chronic issues.

  • You may then decide to continue to a further timescale or book maintenance sessions as required.

You will be able to take advantage of a new pricing structure for block booking sessions in advance:

  • Price per session £60

  • Price for block of 3 sessions £165

  • Price for block of 6 sessions £330

For further information please contact: