Why Passed-Away Loved Ones Come Through During Healing
Very often in my therapy sessions, the spirits of loved ones will come through.
I may feel them as a cold breeze, a tingling along my back, or I may intuitively sense the presence of a family member.
What do your loved ones visit for?
Sometimes they come through as confirmation of something you are saying, even if you are unaware of it.
Clients may talk about people in their family who have passed away, and it is like making a telephone call when you use their name - they pick up.
When people receive energy healing, like Reiki, they may enter a subconscious and dream-like state. This makes it much easier to access different realms, and for the spirit world to make contact.
Through pleasant paths, through dainty ways, love leads my feet by Nick Kenrick
There is often grief associated with the deaths of loved family members, and this grief may still be stored in the body or energy system. Your family may be able to assist with your healing, on an energetic and spiritual level.
There may be other difficulties that you are facing in your life. Passed-over loved ones will know what is happening for you, and they have a bigger perspective to help you to face your challenges.
People who love you, who have passed down their genetic lineage to you, will always have an interest in how you are and what you might need. From time to time they might just pop over to check in on you!
Our ancestors can provide us with great spiritual support and assistance, and we can call on it whenever we need to.
All you need to do is ask them.
I always work with your guides and ancestors who support your highest good. Book an Angel Reading or make an appointment for Reiki with me at bryony@creativesoultherapies.com