Your Future Self Is Calling You Forwards
This has been a fresh concept for me, a new way of seeing the world and our personal stories.
I have been accustomed to the Western theories of personality and development. The principle that we are created from our past - our experiences, culture and childhood.
And I have a sense of familiarity with the sense of internal growth and aspiration. The motivation and drive that flows from within. The state of physis.
Both of these ways of thinking have been deeply embedded in my mode of analysis - about myself and others. This is how I have been raised, this is how I have been taught and trained - so far.
In finding the Munay Ki, I also discovered a new perspective on self-development and how we understand ourselves in each moment.
This offers a radical and hopeful approach to where you are right now, and your next step.
Moth Manipulation number 99 by Jack Heart
Have you ever had that sense of being pulled forwards? Have you ever wondered what - or who - is doing the pulling?
If a future version of yourself is calling you forwards, they have the knowing of a future dream or destination. And they know the optimal next step.
Take a few minutes now for a short meditation. When you have read the next three paragraphs close your eyes, relax your body and the muscles in your face, and take a few deep breaths.
Picture yourself in a quiet place where you feel comfortable: by a river or ocean, or in a forest. Imagine a future you walking towards where you are sitting. They might look like you, they might look older and wiser, or they may appear to you in a different form. Don't force or judge what the image should look like or how it should feel.
Your future you sits down in front of you. You can ask them a question or they might have a message for you about your future. Be silent and allow yourself to listen. This might come in the form of a word, a picture or a feeling. Allow yourself to sit with whatever they give you for a minute or two. Then thank them and watch them as they walk away, into your future.
Slowly bring your attention back to the present moment, hearing the noises around you and becoming aware of your body. Gently open your eyes when you are ready.
What gifts of future sight did you receive? What are you being called forwards for?
Know that you can call on your future self at any time to offer you insight from their vantage point.
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