Creative Soul Therapies

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What The Jaw Says To Us About Self-Expression

The body communicates with us through all kinds of symptoms, discomfort and intuition.

The jaw in particular, has a lot to say.

Closely connected with the throat centre, speech and your voice, the jaw provides insight into self-expression.

Are you able to vocalise your authentic thoughts and feelings?

Are certain opinions, beliefs or feelings censored in some way?

Are you able to express your purpose openly in the world?

In this culture of scarcity, many feelings are denied or even numbed. Emotional intelligence is valued far less than academic success, and children are not learning how to talk about their feelings. Meanwhile our society is falling apart and suffering emotional - and unspoken - wounds of trauma and suffering.

Jaws are clamping down, when they should be crying out.

Anger is covering fear; fear is covering up anger.

There is collective sorrow, unexpressed rage, hatred and resentment.

Speaker Man by Vincent Diamante

For too long, people have been taught that crying is a weakness, that vulnerability is shameful.

But this untruth cannot be justified any longer.

We were born to express, to tell our stories, to feel emotion and to create meaning in our lives.

The jaw is also linked to the ears. What are you hearing that needs to be expressed? We are all here to assist each other to grow and evolve, through our human hard-wiring to communicate. We were also born to listen, to hear the emotional lives of others, to empathise.

What do you need to listen to in yourself, or others?

Where can you show more empathy and kindness towards yourself, or others?

A tight jaw or difficulties with your ears, might indicate a restriction of your self-expression.

You can hold a conversation with your jaw to explore what words or feelings might be limited. Through journaling, art or mindfulness practices. Singing, poetry, chanting.

As you open your jaw, you can begin to express yourself authentically. Stepping into a more real, relaxed and empathetic way of being.

Find out what your jaw wants to say with