In Praise Of The Swallows And Your Journey
The first of the swallows (Hirundo rustica) have returned to my back garden in Oxfordshire today, welcoming in May and the blossoming Spring.
Making their courageous journey from the south of Africa, they travel 200 miles per day facing exhaustion, starvation and adverse weather conditions.
They have arrived as merry as ever - you'd never know how arduous their journey is! Or perhaps they are simply happy to have arrived in their summer home.
They fly on the wind with such daring and agility, chittering and chattering as they go. They sound like dolphins of the air: playful, expressive and full of joy. For an audio click here.
To me, swallows represent great freedom and joy, as well as long journeys to far-off places.
Swallow by Micolo J
What might the journey of the swallow mean to you?
What and when do you feel happy? Where is home for you?
What journey are you taking? Is there somewhere you need to go?
Where can you find more freedom, expression or joy in your life?
If you are on your own healing journey, it can be so helpful to draw on allies from the animal realm, especially those animals who migrate or travel for particular reasons.
Whether a physical journey or a spiritual journey within - or both! - it helps to have support along the way.
The swallows and I wish you happiness on your journey...
For support on your own personal journey, contact