Descending Into The Darkness: Deep Inner Transformation
“Heat and fire are not two separate things.
These are just verbal distinctions.
The Goddess and the One who holds Her
Are one and the same.”
This is Part 3 to the blogs November 2020: Descending Into The Darkness and Descending Into The Darkness: Gathering Your Spirit
I wrote previously that the energies this year are inviting us to go even deeper within ourselves, to find and rediscover something more of who we are. In the outer world, the darkening evenings and the approach of the longest night in the Northern Hemisphere are calling us to go much deeper within ourselves, and to surrender to radical, deep inner transformation.
After we have accepted the invitation to descend (which we must as all of life around us does - we cannot escape our connection to the cycles of nature, no matter how much we may try in our culture to avoid it) and have gathered our spirit back to ourselves, we come into the cave of secrets, magic and transformation. The circle of the guardians, as Joy Harjo describes it in her poem.
This is the inner laboratory of alchemy; the blacksmith’s workshop at the heart of our being; the place where our soul is forged in the fire, born and reborn.
The sacred holding space of your Soul.
It is almost beyond knowing. And certainly beyond the knowing of our usual way of seeing, assessing and analysing the world. It is even beyond the realm of dreams. Nothing cognitive can enter or access here.
This is the space of the Soul, and of God (or whatever you call Her).
It is the space where we know our inseparability from the Great Creator. Where we know the deepest connection we have is to the mystery and the entirety of Life.
When we enter this space, we enter the space of majesty, beauty and the possibility of profound transformation.
To the blacksmith’s by Michela Simoncini
Back at the beginning of the year we saw the first clues about the energy portal of 2020. I wrote: Can you travel through your own portal of ending, the death of some part of yourself or way of being? Can you reconnect with your own inner light?
In truth, something has been changing and transforming within you for months now, if not years. It is only now as we descend deeper into the darkness that we really come to know this place. And begin to find ourselves in a radical, new way of being.
I am being shown that this time is potent for deep inner change - healing of long-held, old old old patterns, habits and beliefs. So long ago you can’t even remember when they started and when they began to feel so much like you that you thought they were you. So long ago your great-great-great grandmother can’t remember when they began.
The old, the heavy, the ill, the weary, the sorrow, the grief. All of this is being lifted away, transmuted in the light of Love. Negative or harmful patterns are being switched off, and the true story of your soul is being switched on. Your inner light is being reignited, kindled, encouraged to shine more brightly with the breath of Spirit.
Heat, fire, oxygen, metal and dedication. These are the elements of transformation, occurring at the subtlest, deepest levels of your soul.
Set your intention: To allow your own personal inner transformation to unfold in Divine timing and in accordance with your highest good.
Bring your awareness: Create spaces and pauses to honour the process and notice the subtle senses of your body, mind and soul as they transform.
Let go: Soften into the process, surrender to the forge and fire, let go of the old way of being.
Invite in: Surrender to the shape of the Divine’s blueprint, welcome in gifts from your soul, revel in your magic, your beauty and your radiance.
You needn’t do anything except enter this place willingly, soften and surrender.
Your greatest state of being is already known here. Your potential is possible here. Your heart’s highest and greatest expression is here.
Gather all of your courage and enter.
Transformational work with