Descending Into The Darkness: Gathering Your Spirit
Here is Part 2, to follow November 2020: Descending Into the Darkness
We are being called to gather our spirit for the wintertime. To gather our spirit by calling back the threads of our past experiences and future projections. Bringing them back into ourselves to conserve energy, to focus on our inner world and to wait for the next chapter.
A beautiful soul sent me Joy Harjo’s poem For Calling the Spirit Back from Wandering the Earth in Its Human Feet and it resonates with this time.
We need to get very clear, very focused, absolutely committed to ourselves and devoted to the path of our Soul. We need to use this time wisely - this magic time of descending into the darkness.
She writes: Let your moccasin feet take you to the encampment of the guardians who have known you before time, who will be there after time. They sit before the fire that has been there without time.
The moccasin feet speak to our human-animal body, our deep knowing and feeling of the Earth through our feet. Of surrendering to the greater knowing of our soul and our body to guide the way. Of being grounded as we walk through life and as we take the inner journey within. To tread softly, lightly, with care and attention to the path.
The soul is always guiding us back home: to the encampment of the guardians. Our life arcs across the sky between birth and death, leading us back to Spirit. And our inner journey leads us into the spark of the fire we hold within: the love, the flame that never goes out, the Divine.
This is the inner flame discoverable within the darkness: your embodiment of the Divine and your inner light.
She writes: Welcome your spirit back from its wandering. It may return in pieces, in tatters. Gather them together. They will be happy to be found after being lost for so long.
There always seems to be more to discover about ourselves, our story, our potential. By calling the scattered parts back, we can bring awareness and illumination to the places our soul has travelled, and the places our Spirit has moved through.
We may need to tend to these parts of us. They may come back weary, exhausted, passionate, enthusiastic. Tattered and even shattered. But it is good, because they have returned to us, to our centre, our circle, the inner home of our Soul.
We need to take time to restore, rest, replenish. The growing time of darkness is a good time of year to do this. To be restful, to focus on restoring ourselves.
The wisdom and illumination will emerge…
Female hands and candle flame by Marco Verch
She writes: Call upon the help of those who love you. These helpers take many forms: animal, element, bird, angel, saint, stone, or ancestor.
Where do you find your strength to support your inner journeying?
We can find this strength in many forms - friends and family on the Earth plane, loved ones in Spirit, angels, saints and teachers of spiritual traditions, the Earth herself.
What element do you need to support you in your sacred descent into the darkness?
Perhaps water, ocean, wave. Perhaps fire, moonlight, starlight. Perhaps tree, plant or sacred land.
Call on whatever support you need in the gathering of your spirit.
She writes: When you find your way to the circle, to the fire kept burning by the keepers of your soul, you will be welcomed.
The circle of the guardians is the sacred holding space of your Soul.
Wow, take a moment to breathe that in.
The sacred holding space of your Soul.
This is like a beautiful, sweet meditation. A promise from both within and without.
How do we find our way back to the circle? By coming back into right alignment with our self, by honouring our bodies, by listening with the heart, by seeing through the illusion of social constructs. By creating a practice of giving time to yourself, to understand, know and deepen your connection with your Soul.
The guardians know your gifts, your potential, your light. And whenever we make this journey within ourselves, whenever we choose to descend mindfully and kind-fully into the darkness, we will be welcomed by those guardians who watch over our soul.
They rejoice at our return to our inner light.
Rediscover your inner light with