Letting Go of Guilt at the Full Moon
“May I be happy. May I be well. May I be safe. May I be at ease, in a rhythm that is pleasing to my heart.”
Full moons can be a great time to release whatever is outdated or ready to go.
The moon will be full on January 23rd (UK) and full of potential to let go of what we no longer need.
In this post I'm focusing on letting go of guilt. I think this is a key issue for many people who hold themselves back from fully participating in life because they do not feel they deserve it. I also wonder whether this is an experience felt particularly keenly by highly sensitive people (HSPs) - thoughts welcome on this.
Guilt for putting ourselves first, guilt on behalf of others, guilt at not being able to 'do it all', guilt about what you did do (or didn't do), guilt about minor things ... a long list of possibilities for self-reproach that slowly drains our natural birthright to experience joy in life.
While it may not be a popular topic of conversation, due to the number of people on this planet I know I am not alone and guilt is affecting the lives of many people, subtly reducing the pleasure and happiness that we all deserve.
Full Moon by Allen Watkin
Because I'm so passionate about people living their full potential, and letting go of limited beliefs, I am addressing the uncomfortable and less-than-pleasant topic of guilt - in order to wade through it and find self-forgiveness. This is a usually a process of course, rather than a one-time event, until new beliefs of self-worth become a strong foundation to support our whole self.
In the past I have taken responsibility for events outside of my control, or even mistakes that other people have made. Plus my own human errors! And I have set my intention to let go of all guilt, starting with this full moon. Here's my recipe, to be repeated often...
I'm starting with the Bach flower remedy Pine, which is useful for assisting with feelings of guilt, and increasing self-acceptance and self-forgiveness. As recommended, I am taking 4 drops diluted in a glass of water throughout the day. I checked this out with a kinesiologist first to see whether my body would become stronger using this remedy.
Next, I have been using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to tap on subconscious thoughts and beliefs related to guilt, self-worth and what I deserve. I am letting go of past memories where I felt guilt for my own actions or those of others, and releasing the emotions attached to these memories.
Thirdly, I have added a loving-kindness or Metta meditation to my daily practice, which is simply to sit comfortably and relaxed and repeat the following phrases silently to myself: "May I be happy. May I be well. May I be safe. May I be at ease." You can sit with your hand over your heart, if this helps you connect to your compassionate nature.
Finally, on the eve of the full moon I will write down what I wish to let go of and also what I would like more of in my life. And I will send this Reiki for its powerful, spiritual healing energy and transformation.
I hope you all enjoy the full moon - happy, well, safe and at ease. You deserve it.
I would love to hear how this post resonated with you or, if are interested in moving through guilt into self-acceptance and forgiveness, contact me on bryony@creativesoultherapies.com
See the next blog post for a super-charged way to facilitate forgiveness...