The Truth Is Bigger Than We Can Imagine

Now is a moment of expansion - personally and collectively. The New Moon, Equinox, and recent eclipse season are contributing to a major shift within us.

If you feel confused, shaken up or lost in chaos, it is because our current perspective is widening. And the Truth is far greater than we have the power to imagine.

When we operate only at the level of the mind, or conscious thought, we merely see a small part of the picture. 'Reality' is reduced to a single, blinkered viewpoint.

The everyday human mind cannot conceive of the immense magnificence of the Great Mind. If you are struggling right now, have some compassion for your humanness. Even as the soul continues its quest for evolution, the mental aspect of yourself is running to catch up.

The 'you' that is the truth of who you are, is far greater than you realise. Your truth and potential are vast and impossibly big to imagine.

The view is far greater than we can see with only human eyes.

How can we even begin to imagine this?

We have to be open to the Divine and learn to see with the eyes of the Soul. For your soul is endlessly expansive, merging with the great creative force of the universe.

It is through your soul that you can take a wider perspective on the greater reality.

The secret is to optimise the current energiesand continue to grow your capacity step by step, in a process that takes years of human time.

How do we learn to step back and see the wider picture? Here are a few techniques:

  • Go on a guided meditation as a bird - an eagle, owl or bird of your choice - to soar to new heights and look at the view from there.
  • Give yourself permission not to know. When you allow room for the unknown, new insights can find their way into your life.
  • Tune into your emotions and your body's symptoms - they are the best point of access to your soul.
  • Set your intention to see with more light and more truth, in the widest viewpoint available to you at this time.
  • Choose to zoom out from an area of difficulty (rather than zoom in). Visualise creating space around the problem as you step away from it...and see what help becomes available.
  • Go out and connect with nature, taking time to witness the vastness of creation or a beautiful, wide view.

Wishing you a wonderful time of personal expansion!

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