It's Time to Heal From Past Emotional Wounds
How come there are so many people walking around today with unhealed emotional wounds?
In the process of human existence we are all hurt emotionally to some degree. Some people wear their wounds like badges of honour; others hide them away until they are out of sight.
It is time for a transformation - to turn suffering into freedom.
It is time to heal the emotional wounds of the past.
Are you happy to continue suffering? Never really feeling the true pain, but instead masking it with other feelings or the story you tell yourself and others.
Yes, it is painful to heal. Emotions have to be felt and heard in order to heal, which means connecting to the rawness of that pain.
This lasts but a brief moment compared to prolonged suffering. So is it not preferable to heal?
timepiece by Robert Couse-Baker
Prolonged suffering keeps you separated, small. Only a part of who you are.
It is only through healing the past that you become whole. By truly going to the raw, core of each emotional state, and allowing the emotional energy to release.
Emotions are energy in motion - they have different postures, gestures, facial expressions and sounds. When emotions are unexpressed, they get stuck in the body and energy system in an unresolved state.
The resolution - the moving through of the emotion - occurs by movements, tears or sounds. Whichever process is required to allow the full expression of the emotion, to release it from your body and psyche.
Honour your birthright of happiness and peace. Start your journey to let go of the past.
Then you are free.
Heal your emotional wounds with