Rebirthing Ourselves: A Seismic Shift Of Great Potential
You may have noticed just how much is going on - in day-to-day life, in emotions and in the collective energy field.
This is a time of multiple new beginnings - of letting go and stepping forward, of lifting up and breaking out of old patterns.
We are re-experiencing ourselves, re-imagining ourselves and re-awakening to our power within.
We are re-birthing ourselves. Re-joining life on new terms.
Who are you now?
And where is your story taking you?
These new beginnings will unfold over the next few months and into the year beyond.
Right now, all you need to do is sit with the seismic shifts, and sit with your rising potential. Sit and enjoy them!
Plant in dried cracked mud by Olearys
Personally I have been experiencing multiple electronic failures, energy switches, shut-downs and restarts. Some items ‘cracking’ too (Read again my recent blog posts "We are all cracked” and “The moments we break open”). These are all part of the current energy - a rest, a break…and a re-connection and refresh.
This is a re-wiring and upgrading to new levels of awareness.
This is a new expression of your soul, so you may be playing with themes of self-expression, creativity and power at the moment.
This is a seismic shift of your potential, activating your greatness within.
It feels like a retrograde, only there are no planets in retrograde now! Perhaps this is a taster of what is to come, a preparatory period for the year ahead and a chance to be with our process of change.
Honour all of these aspects of your experience right now, which may come and go on a whim. If something stops, then pause and rest. Give space and time to allow the re-connections to happen. If something feels electric, get grounded in nature. If something cracks, let it crack and admire the beauty.
Ensure you are getting good rest, sleep and nourishment. In sleep, these changes will be wired up. Pay attention to your dreams too, as your intuition may be stronger at the moment.
All of the preparation to be true to yourself towards the end of last year, is finally breaking through the ground and coming up like shoots welcoming the Spring. Soak in the light and warmth!
Tap into your great potential in person or by Skype with