Posts tagged reiki healing
Making Connections With Reiki Distance Symbol

One of my favourite parts when learning Reiki, and now when channelling Reiki energy, is the distance symbol, known as Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen (HSZSN).

HSZSN enables Reiki practitioners to connect with a person, place or object at any time - past, present or future - in any world, galaxy or dimension, with the intention of sending universal life force energy.

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Working With The Process: A Guide to How I Practise

In the field of energy therapies, clients often carry an expectation that the treatment will magically solve all difficulties overnight.

I think it is important to highlight how I work, and dispel some of the myths surrounding energy therapies and holistic treatments.

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What Does 'Light Touch' Mean in Reiki Healing?

The gentle nature of energy healing is often a contrast to daily life, and may therefore be misunderstood.

In Western culture we have been taught to believe that "bigger is better" and "no pain, no gain". Plus, many of our workplace cultures suffer from a dog-eat-dog corporate structure.

The need for light touch, kindness and compassion, may be passed by or overlooked.

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Feel The Heat, Turn Up The Reiki Energy

I am often asked about the significance of feeling heat during a Reiki Healing session.

Some people may feel very little during Reiki, others feel a coolness or tingling, and the majority of people will feel warmth.

This warmth or heat may feel stronger in certain areas of the body, and I am asked why this might be.

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Protecting Your Energy for Highly Sensitive People

The importance of protecting your energy cannot be underestimated if you identify as highly sensitive. 

The term Highly Sensitive People comes from the research by Elaine Aron, and is estimated that 20% of the population, regardless of country or culture, are biologically hard-wired to be more sensitive to their environment.

HSPs will notice things that other people do not, are likely to feel more deeply, and to think and process thoughts and emotions in greater depth. This could be in relation to their environment, the people around them, their workplaces, children, and so on.

And with so much information, always-on technology and busy lives, it is more important than ever that HSPs protect their energy.

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Lighting the Spark of Love At Valentine's Day

Following the recent posts on Chinese New Year and Imbolc, we have an opportunity this Valentine's Day to draw on the dynamic, fiery energy of new, exciting beginnings, and shape them into practical actions...

With this active energy and the coming of Spring, we can more easily light that spark within us. This is our inner spark that brings us creativity, connection, and a feeling of joyfulness and vitality!

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