Introduction to Creative Kinesiology: Part I
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new”
I have just embarked upon the LifeTracking course with the School of Creative Kinesiology. Over the next few months I will be sharing my learning and insights from this therapeutic approach.
This is the start of my learning of this energy medicine and its techniques. I am feeling very excited! Welcome to the beginning of a brilliant new journey...
So what is Creative Kinesiology?
It is based on principles common to all forms of kinesiology, derived from chiropractic knowledge of anatomy and physiology, and combined with the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the meridians used in acupuncture.
The essential, and most recognisable, part of kinesiology is muscle testing. Specific movements isolate individual muscles, and these can be used to identify whether the energy flow is strong or somehow blocked. When the energy flow is strong, the muscle will hold when a light pressure is applied to it. When the energy flow is blocked or stuck, the muscle will not be able to meet the pressure.
Muscle testing can be used to check whether the body is in balance. This could relate to substances such as foods or specific nutrients, for example.
In Creative Kinesiology, the approach is more akin to coaching or counselling using feedback from the body. The focus is upon a specific circumstance, issue or goal in your life. This could relate to any part of your life, such as relationships, health, work or confidence.
The balance would correspond to your goal or outcome, which could be a statement like "I feel confident". Muscle testing will indicate where the blockage may be in the system, based on the Chinese 5 Elements of fire, earth, metal, water and wood. As each of the 5 Elements is related to specific meridians in the body, muscle testing can identify the particular meridians that may be imbalanced.
The aim is to bring balance to the meridian or element using tools and techniques. These include lymphatic massage, acupressure points, affirmations and remedies. Bringing the system into balance may simply require witnessing a person's story through listening, empathy and compassion.
The body (or system) always knows what it needs to come into balance. Physiologically kinesiology aims to improve blood flow, lymph flow, organ function, hormonal balance and posture. Mood, emotions and thought are also affected because they are connected to our bodies, and vice versa.
In Creative Kinesiology the intention is to enable people to feel completely healthy, full of vitality and in balance.
Stay posted on my next steps...
To book an appointment for Creative Kinesiology contact