Creative Soul Therapies

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Getting Deep with the Hips

I started writing this blog post over a year ago now.

Ever since taking up yoga a few years ago, I suddenly became very aware of the tightness in my hips.

I know that many people in today's Western world experience tight hips or difficulties with the hip joints, tension in the hamstrings and plenty more office desk side-effects.

No matter how often I practiced pigeon pose or keyhole stretch, or how regularly I did yoga, I was unable to find any ease in 'easy pose'. In fact, I often wondered who really found it that easy.

I practiced yoga safely using plenty of props, such as cushions and blocks, to prevent any damage to my joints, with the hope of easing my body into feeling safe enough to 'let go'.

But nothing really changed.

I found myself thinking what it was that my body was holding on to, and what did I need to let go of?

For another year, still nothing became apparent.

Nevertheless I carried these questions with me, continuing to look at my hips from as many angles as possible - certainly more than I could twist into physically!

Finally I was lucky enough to meet a talented Osteopath, who in just a couple of sessions helped bring me that ease I had been stretching for.

Working on releasing muscles and tendons, predominantly the hamstrings, caused total relaxation, triggering my brain to relax muscles that had long since forgotten why and what they were holding.

Tendons too needed easing back into a natural state, and the fascia between the muscles of the thigh required some work. Technically speaking, I received some posterior and lateral chain stretches, and wow did they have a great effect.

The ease in my hips is quite amazing and, I am told, my hip joints and flexibility are absolutely fine.

What I have released on an emotional and energetic level, I am still sifting through, so watch this space...

And in case you were wondering, I haven't yet attempted a full forward fold as in the picture above, but I am over the moon with the freedom now available to me.

My Osteopath of choice is the very talented, professional and knowledgeable Hannah Parr in Oxfordshire. Email