Posts in Healing
Different Aspects Of Trust Weaved Within The Therapeutic Relationship

Culturally, we often think about trust as being only one thing: either someone is to be trusted, or someone is not. This makes sense on a basic level of safety: am I safe with this person, or not?

Once a feeling of safety is present, trust becomes even more interesting...

I believe there are many different shades and aspects of trust, which become more apparent within the therapeutic relationship.

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Cultivating Awareness of Our Left-Hemispheric Culture

Every day, we receive vast amounts of information from the world around - and within - us, outside of our conscious awareness.

Very little of this original information reaches the level of our conscious minds. And because of the way we are living, our brains are often overwhelmed with sensory information and the speed of society.

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Healing Aggression by Strengthening Your True Self

I have written recently about the Drama Triangle and the positions of Persecutor, Victim and Rescuer, as well as the astrological move of Chiron into Aries initiating a 9 year period of healing the wounded masculine.

These themes are very present and potent for us collectively, and serve as a reminder that this work is of fundamental importance in healing ourselves, our relationships and the entire Earth. 

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Further Thoughts on Healing the Wounded Masculine

We come back to the theme of healing the wounded masculine again, which I have written previously about here. Reading an astrology blog by Katie Sweetman, we see that with Chiron moving into Aries this month the theme of healing the masculine archetype will continue to 2026-2027.

This will be a period where we heal imbalanced masculine expressions - within and without. Imbalances such as aggression, domination, violence and oppression.

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Tuning Into Your Instincts, Your Gut and Your Heart

Trusting your instincts is something that comes naturally in the animal kingdom, and yet human beings in our current society tend to ignore the quiet voice inside, the sensations of our bodies and the wisdom of our hearts.

Your instincts are an innate trait, inborn. Part of our complex understanding of ourselves, life and the environment around us. There are instincts for survival, and there are also higher level instincts guiding us on our soul's path and purpose.

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